Publication Date YET TODAY - Teacher Appreciation Day May 5, 2020

There's a new date to mark on your calendars, readers of mine.

I've decided to set the publication date for Yet Today, (see previous post), and the new date is Tuesday, May 5, 2020 in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day 2020.

Appropriate, since the main character is a high school teacher in New Hampshire, and part of the motivation for writing this book was to detail the particular craziness of working in a high school.

We know what teacher's face, the obstacles to success in the educational process. We hear it trumpeted from all sides. Educational reform is one of our country's biggest priorities, and politicians across the spectrum are constantly scrambling to position themselves with the best policies for improving the public school system.

Yet Today tells in a work of fiction about what it's like for adults, individuals, working in a school setting - the survival strategies, the pitfalls and pratfalls of the work environment. I've dedicated the book to American teachers. May they continue to be responsible stewards of the American Dream despite what we read in the media.

Our schools are filled with some of the best, most dedicated and hard-working people I've ever come across.


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